At the end of the Camino ...
The spiritual Centre for pilgrims
'San Francisco de Asís'

The real ‘Journey' consists of discovering and understanding the meaning of life'.

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Life itself is a “Journey”

The Spiritual Welcome Centre “San Francisco de Asis”,...

The ‘Journey' to Santiago is not only a combination of history, art, and culture, but also means to a inner reflection and spirituality.

Were located in:

Convento de San Francisco
( entrance on the Rúa dos Castiñeiros )
Address: Centro Cultural-Social Juan XXIII

15705 Santiago de Compostela GALICIA-ESPAÑA

The welcome centre is open during the summer months

... is located in the Franciscan monastery on Santiago de Compostela. It is the fruit of a Franciscan option for welcoming pilgrims. Here, the principal spiritual values of brotherhood, solidarity, intercultural dialog, and communion with God, are central in the context of service and respect . The welcome centre is not a hostel, but a space welcome centre in which one encounters an atmosphere of peace and spirituality in service of pilgrim
Bendición de San Francisco de Asís

El Señor te bendiga
y te guarde;
te muestre su faz
y tenga misericordia de ti.
Vuelva a ti su rostro
y te conceda la paz.
El Señor te bendiga,
hermano León.

Señor, haz de mi un instrumento de tu paz.
Que allá donde hay odio, yo ponga el amor.
Que allá donde hay ofensa, yo ponga el perdón.
Que allá donde hay discordia, yo ponga la unión.
Que allá donde hay error, yo ponga la verdad.
Que allá donde hay duda, yo ponga la Fe.
Que allá donde desesperación, yo ponga la esperanza.
Que allá donde hay tinieblas, yo ponga la luz.
Que allá donde hay tristeza, yo ponga la alegría.

Throughout the ”Journey” the pilgrim discovers that life itself is a “journey” and most importantly, a “journey inwards”. Santiago is the destination, but at the same time it is the beginning of a new spiritual life.

@ Hogar de espiritualidad 'San Francisco de Asís'. Todos los derechos compartidos. 2006